Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Message to our friend's and fam…………

We think about you often and know that some of you are putting up with far less desirable weather than here.  We also know that seeing our bright, stupid faces smiling in the sunshine might be pretty annoying.  

Here are some reasons that you should not be jealous and should enjoy being safe and sound in great ol' Canadia……

1.) When we get back to Canada we are going to be broke, possibly jobless, apartment-less, and probably screwed

2.) We have to deal with emptying our porta-potty ourselves.  Did we mention that we don't have a proper head? (head means toilet)

3.) We haven't had any beach time- because every single day we have been trying to get closer to leaving so that we don't get arrested for staying in the states after our visa runs out.  It says NO EXTENSIONS right on it.  Hmmm, maybe they will give us an extension…….

4.) Nobody does yoga here.  Every time I find a spot that I think is remote enough to practice in, I end up awkwardly avoiding eye contact with an audience.  Last time when I got up after I was finished meditating people clapped.  Uhhhhh…..

5.)  Between the mosquitos and the noseeums, I currently have hundreds of itchy bites all over my body.

And the BIGGEST reason is below:

6.) We miss YOU.  It is starting to get a little lonely.  Don't get me wrong, Matt and Wookie are amazing, but………

I know what you're thinking.  We aren't going to feel sympathy for you - you're living on a boat in the sunshine!!!!  Well, you're right.  And it's awesome.  And we are meeting some cool people and enjoying our time here.  But I'll tell you one thing, it's made us feel so fortunate to have amazing friends like you.  And maybe, just maybe that will make it a little easier to come home to go back to work ;)

1 comment:

  1. Come to Cali before you head home!!! ;) Everyone does yoga here all over the place. It would look totally normal. He he. If you can stop by, don't forget, you can use my address as your visiting address in the U.S. to get a longer term visa. :) Love & Hugs ~ SHS
