Friday, February 17, 2012

The alarm went off this morning at 2:05 a.m.  After struggling with finding our way into strange harbours, anchorages and marinas well after the sun had set (on more than one occasion) we finally learned our lesson.  We decided to leave as early as we needed to, to make sure that we would arrive at our destination during daylight hours.  Today this meant a departure time of no later than 2:45 a.m.

No wind meant that we would hear the motor's incessant ERRRRRRRRRRRR for the next 13.5 hours.  But WE SAW DOLPHINS!!!!! Swimming off our bow! My head exploded, they were so beautiful!

We made it to the entrance of Little Shark River.  I had no idea it would be so peaceful.  We dropped our anchor and turned off the motor and I realized I had been yelling back to Matt ( at what felt like the top of my lungs) in a quiet sanctuary where the only sound was the odd splash of a manatee or a sea turtle popping it's head out of the water. I felt lucky to have landed in a place so serene.

And just when we thought it couldn't get any better……………………………


This may not be as exciting to you as it is to us, but after you've spent a month in Florida without conversing with anyone in their 20's or 30's a little social interaction with generation X and Y is just what the doctor ordered.  

A little rowboat approached our boat with a couple from Oregon and two beers in their hands.  I could barely contain my enthusiasm.  (We have no dinghy, so we couldn't have rowed over to meet people, well, without getting very wet- and it IS called little shark river.)  

We had dinner, exchanged favourite music and made a whole bottle of rum disappear.  MAGIC!  (Thank you Amanda and Chris for a night that was such a blast :) 

Needless to say, our start tomorrow morning will not be so early. 

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