Sunday, April 8, 2012

Poisonwood: DO NOT TOUCH!

Matt and the Wook and I were traipsing through the woods the other day in search of a beach, when we passed another traveller. We said hello, exchanged niceties and continued walking in opposite directions when she casually added over her shoulder "watch out for poisonwood". "Thanks" I yelled back, eager to get on my way.  What I should have done was grab her by the arm, look her in the eye and demand some answers.  "Wait, what???" what's poison wood? What does it look like? Where do you find it? (and perhaps most important,) what does it do to you? I mean, there's wood everywhere, how do I know which wood is the poison?

Instead, we spent the rest of our hike nervously avoiding branches and wondering to ourselves if the leaves we just brushed against would later cause havoc to our epidermis. To save you folks the confusion- here it is.......POISON WOOD.

Apparently touching it can cause you some pretty nasty and painful blisters. So do yourselves a favor, next time you go to hug a tree, make sure it isn't this one, aiiight?


  1. Happy Easter. Miss you guys. Glad you survived the storms and the poison wood!!

  2. look at your beautiful tan you scrumptious piece of woman!
