Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Marathon to Marathon….

7 long days and 200 miles after we left Apollo Beach with Maranatha, we arrived in Marathon.  We're back in Keys Fisheries where we had left only two weeks before.  It feels SO good to be back here.

Wookie bounded off the boat and went crazy.  Can you blame him?  I was going crazy too, and I wasn't the one forced to pee on astro turf all week!

Now we've got some final prep to do before we can go to customs.  After a week of sailing, we discovered a few things that we'd be wise to replace, before we cross the gulf stream.  We've been told that things are really hard to get in the Bahamas, and we don't want to have to be scrounging for parts when we get there.

To do:

Provision the boat (TP in the Bahamas is CRAZY expensive)
Get Wookie's Health Certificate no sooner than 7 days before we reach the Bahamas
Replace a light on the mast
Replace the boat batteries
Get a spare alternator
Find out why our motor only revs to 1800rpm
Get an additional anchor and more chain
Fuel up and fill the three water tanks
Get a new seal for the water pump
Un-document the boat with the U.S. Coast Guard
Register the boat in Florida, pay the sales tax and get the title
Get insurance
Buy charts and cruising guide for the Bahamas
Plan our route
Get yellow quarantine flag for the boat
Find a dinghy
Tighten the shrouds and the backstay

We can do all this in 7 days……..I think……….

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