Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our first stop in the Berry Islands landed us in Great Harbour Cay.  Right smack dab in the middle of some pretty major election hype.   In fact, we arrived on the same day that the Prime Minister of the Bahamas did  (although we didn't manage to seem him because he flew in and out for a mere five minute photo op.) Despite my best efforts, I managed to get very little information about the three main political parties.  No one seemed particularly interested in discussing their political viewpoints, even though everywhere you looked there were flags on cars and people donning their respective party colours and slogans.  Just as well I suppose, I can barely keep up with Canadian politics.  We could sure learn a lot from their voter turnout though- above 95%!  After several parties and a bustling election day, the PLP was declared the victors.  From what I gathered, they are somewhat more left wing than their previous governing party- the FNM.  Truth be told, most people seem to think there isn't a heck of a lot of difference between the two….at least not on the out Islands.  Well PLP, congrats I guess!  We sure enjoyed the activity that the election brought to Great Harbour Cay.  We've been here for four days and we already feel a sense of community.  The people here have been so welcoming and we've never had so many offers for rides (into town or to the beach) as we've walked down the side of the road.  Thanks to the incredible and interesting people we met who made this one a stop to remember.  Best dance parties EVER.


  1. 95% voter turnout - puts Alberta to shame in a good election year! We take so much for granted! What an eye-opener!

  2. And that is the story of how Marianne and Matt joined the PLP and became the leaders of the Bahamas. The end.

    Miss you guys!! Sounds like you are having a crazy awesome time.
