Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cut those costs!

 How to live on the cheap when you're on a boat:

  • Drink salt water.  Just kidding- don't do it! 
  • Drink rum- for serious this time.  Alcohol is cheaper than pop (or soda for you Americans.)
  • Anchor! Anchor! Anchor!  Free rent!  Avoid marinas unless you are blogging or in desperate need of shelter from a storm.  (If possible anchor next to a marina with wi-fi and try to guess their passwords.  Hint- it's usually "sunshine." HAHAHA.)
  • Avoid restaurants.  Dive for conch, lobster, fish and try to make the provisions last.  The Bahamas are not the best place to dine out on a budget.
  • Make friends!  This community is amazing- people are quick to lend a missing tool or an ice cube (or a cooler- thanks Rick!)
  • Sail vs motor.  Use the wind- that's why you're on a sailboat silly!  The last time we filled our diesel tank was a month ago. 
  • Don't buy crap! a.) you don't need it.  b.) you have NOWHERE to put it on your boat.
  • Stay away from gambling at Bahamian cock fights.
  • Go to bed when it gets dark and get up when it's light.  That way you save your batteries by not running your lights all night.  Boy, our ancestors sure were on to something!
  • Do your laundry in a bucket, but don't use too much water!  Now you're getting it!
  • Don't have mimosas for brunch every day. Once in a while it's awesome- thanks Lynn!
  • Cut your own hair with scissors.  Why not?  You shower in the ocean and are dirty hippies anyway.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You two are amazing! so glad that maranatha is holding up her side of the deal in the squalls. We are lucky to know you!
    Barb and Walt
