Saturday, March 17, 2012

In my mind cruising the Bahamas was going to be laid back and eaaaasy.  After the past few days beating into the wind, big waves spraying us relentlessly, we were ready to do some hardcore chillin'.  We made it to Grand Cay yesterday afternoon and found a quaint little fishing village with a nice anchorage (and plenty of reefs where lobsters are to be found).  Mmmmmmm, lobster.  I haven't quite wrapped my head around actually killing and cooking the lobsters, but one thing at a time.  Our current diet of rice and beans, and the odd can of tuna, is making the idea more and more tolerable.

Our dog desperately needed some time on land after being stuck on the boat for two days, so we rowed to shore and set out to walk the length of the island.  We passed a group of kids playing, said hello and then noticed they were following us. Wookie (with his mesmerizing powers of cuteness) had enthralled them.  Before we knew it, 12 kids were trailing behind us, begging to take turns holding the leash and picking him up.  Wookie's canine mind was blown.  He loves kids.  And attention.  Most of the dogs on the island are pit bulls, and are fairly aggressive, so the sight of a smiling, furry, mini dog was pretty exciting to them.  We barely made it into our dinghy without taking a few children with us.  We promised to see them soon and made it out of the marina (just barely with our dog).

Today we set out to find "said" lobster.  What we found instead, was a storm a brewing.  We forgot to check the weather before rowing out in our dinghy to find the reefs.  Out we were, with our packed lunches and our dog, when it dawned on us that there was a black cloud rapidly approaching us.  So we started to frantically row back to Maranatha (afraid that a gust of wind would drag our anchor and land our boat on the rocks) and ended up rowing against the current in a torrential downpour. It was FUN!

Afterwards, Matt decided to pull out the big guns and set this anchor (as our backup). BBBBRRRRRAAAPPPPPP! We ain't playin' around now.

This is just before the dinghy started to sink under the weight of that ridiculous anchor!

Happy St Patty's day! Forget the food colouring and just enjoy a good 'ol Canadian brewski for us, will ya?

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