Thursday, June 7, 2012

From one beautiful place to another….

…and happy to be alive!  The last five months of sailing have changed us- we're broke now!  Seriously though, it was nice to step off the hamster wheel for a while and slow things down.  What a luxury is was to have time to make meals together, study marine charts over morning coffee or even do our laundry in a bucket.  For us, this voluntary simplification will act as a reminder that the best things in life are often the most basic.  Of course, we're happy to be back in the world of smart phones, public transport, shopping malls and deadlines- but we sure will miss the freedom of the literally going where the wind takes you.  Today, it's taking us to work.  Yippee!

Thank you for visiting our blog and sharing our adventure.  We look forward to seeing you all soon!  Godspeed!

Love Marianne and Matt (and the Wookie)


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey with us with the pictures, videos and stories you have posted on this blog. It was ALMOST as good as being there!

    Love, Mom

  2. Agreed! This was so much fun to read and be a teeny part of. Such a once in a lifetime experience and I think it's beautiful that you did it!
