Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'll admit, the notion of getting rid of all your belongings, renting your apartment and splitin' town to go live on a boat sounds pretty romantic.  It didn't come without it's hiccups though.  For a hoarder, like myself, getting rid of most of my belongings proved to be an emotionally draining process.  But after shipping the majority of my stuff across the country from Victoria to Toronto, Toronto to Edmonton and Edmonton to Vancouver ( and never actually unpacking the boxes) I came to the realization that maybe I didn't really NEED to be holding on to shirts I wore in highschool, or lip gloss that expired twelve years ago.

Loads and loads to goodwill later, we ended up baring our belongings down to this:

Getting it all to fit in our compact car was another story.  I saw it as a nightmare, Matt saw it as a challenge!!!  He strapped most of it to the roof of the car with 3, yes 3 straps.  Then off we went, driving through the mountains to Kelowna and praying our garbage bag wrapped belongings were still on the roof when we got there.  (A million thanks to Lynn and Gary for letting us store everything in Kelowna, including our car!!!!  You are heros!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. I just saw this now and I recently threw out 12-year-old lip gloss and had to go through boxes I never unpacked in the last 8 years!!! I feel for you. We're both emotionally attached to material stuff (memories!). It's so hard to get rid of that stuff! But feels good once it's done. :)
